Tuesday, October 07, 2008

My Rant of the Week: Vol 1

Ok so this is something which has been on my mind for weeks now. I have been out, along with many other ISU Dems, registering people to vote. We are constantly yelling at people asking if they are registered and for some reason we keep getting a response from a select few. "No thanks". Are you freakin kidding me? That is not an acceptable answer to the question. I'm not giving you a free coke or year old chewing gum.

It boiled over to a point yesterday. Here is a summarized transcript of the conversation

Me: Are you registered to vote? Tomorrow is the deadline.
Student: No, I'm good
Me: So you're registered?
Student: No I don't care about it
Me: Really?
Student: It doesn't affect me
Me: Of course it does, whats your major?
Student: Education
Me: So do you care about properly funded schools, No Child Left Behind, proper pay for teachers?
Student: Yeah
Me: So you should vote so you have a say in those types of issues
Student: It can't change through voting
To which the student started to walk away
Me: Don't let apathy destroy our country

Was it offensive? Not as offensive as someone who should be extremely active in the community because as an educator, thats your job. I get so sick of people who complain about things with this country, yet when they have their chance, they say, who cares. My grandfather didn't fight in WWII for apathy. My friends who have served and are still serving in Iraq didn't fight and die for apathy.

Do they have the right to not vote. Of course they do. But when you say it can't change through voting, you lose my respect. We have a chance everytime we walk into a polling booth to change our country and that is starting with who is in charge. Silence does not bring strength as Big Brother would have told you in "1984", it beings about tyanny and when the people of this country do not speak out in defiance when it is neccessary, we have lost what it means to be the country we are.


Mr. McClister said...

Exactly!!! I am so flustered by these "anti-voters." Especially when someone syas, one vote doesn't matter.

Firstly, the presidential election is not the only one happening right now. The 11th district congressional race is another historic election which could put a progressive candidate in a seat that hasn't been held by democrats in over 60 years!!!!! Here, in Red McLean County...one vote can matter.

Secondly, I am sure I am not alone in saying I have heard more than one person say, "one vote doesn't matter." Well, I have news for those people...if enough people feel that way, then it isn't just one vote. Its thousands, maybe even millions.

I have to stop...I think I may be sweating.

KB said...

I agree completely. And that girl's op-ed in the Vidette last week did not help. Part of my problem is, where is the University and the professors on this?? They can't expect students to just convince other students, they ought to be stepping in as authorities and reminding people how important it is, and how it really does affect them. And education major who won't vote? Pathetic.